Authored By: Chabungbam Victoria Devi, Sankar Kr Acharya, Manas Mohan Adhikary
ISBN: 9789367556696
Binding: Hardcover
Year of Publishing: 2025
Pages: 86
Language: English
Length: 152
Breadth: 10
Height: 229
Weight: 210
Monipur, of the hot spots of the world, is famous for its biodiversity, culture, history, and tradition and women empowerment in the landscape of North East India. Altitude extension offers a very innovative approach to analysis, prediction and strategy delineation in terms of terrains and trajectories of a typical hill ecosystem. The book is the reflection of a pioneering empirical research in extension science. It empirically tested the socio-ecological change along with the change in altitude, climate, vegetation and livelihood. It will come up with a referral study that can assist and provoke research minds desirous of doing research on geo-spatial dimension of social science and extension strategy with policy dimension.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical orientation
3. Review of literature
4. Research settings
5. Research methodology
6. Results and discussion
7. Summary and conclusion
8. Future scope of the research
Chabungbam Victoria Devi was working as an Assistant Professor (Extension Education) in the Department of Social Sciences, College of Horticulture Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat campus, Arunachal Pradesh. She is now working as Assistant Professor cum Secretary to Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Central Agricultural University, Headquarter, Imphal, Manipur. During her PhD in Agricultural Extension at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya, Nadia, West Bengal, she was awarded the Inspire Fellowship by Department of Science Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, for her thesis work entitled “Altitude Extension: Concept, Approach Dynamics. The thesis work has been awarded best presentation in two National Conferences. At present, She is rendering her full time service in teaching Undergraduate and Post graduate programmes as well as research for Post graduate programme at the constituent colleges of Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur and also involve in various extension services to reach the farmers of North East India. She is involved in various capacity building programmes, entrepreneurship development programme for the upliftment of student youth resources of the University. She has published 7 research papers, various books chapters, few books and apart from this, she has participated in various national and international seminar and conferences across the country.
Prof. (Dr.) Sankar Kr Acharya, presently, Dean, Post Graduate Studies ;former Head, Dept. of Agril Extension and Director, Extension Education, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, WB, born on 6th October, 1960, started his career as Assistant Professor at BCKV in 1988 and has been in teaching, research and extension over 36 years. An erudite teacher as well as an elegant speaker, is internationally acclaimed for his unique research domain of Social Entropy and Energy Metabolism, Social Ecology and Environmental Sociology, Enterprise Ecology Framework, Conservation Stewardships: Research Publication: 249 in National and International Journals. Book Publication: 115 books authored. Expert Member, Agriculture Commission; Marketing and Extension Sub Committee, Govt. of West Bengal; Expert member WWF projects in BTR (Buxa Tiger Reserve Project); Expert member; DFID project on Primary Education (DPEP); Rapid Environment Impact Analysis, Visited Italy, France, Germany, China , Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. He has also been honoured to be selected as the Convener of Panel (PE-32) entitled, The hunger, poverty and silence, of IUAES, University of Manchester, UK, 2013 .Co-PI of ICAR, NAHEP and World Bank funded project on Conservation Agriculture. So, far he has successfully guided 21 Ph D scholars,. He is the fellow of ISEE, IARI, New Delhi, Fellow, BIOVED; Fellow, Society of community mobilization, IARI, New Delhi He is now acting as editor, reviewer of a good number of national and international journals. Fellow Award, ISEE(ICAR-IARI, New Delhi), 2019 Awards and Distinctions: Distinguish Scholar Award, Krishisanskriti, New Delhi; Certificate of Merit for standing First class first at M Sc(Ag) in Agricultural Extension, 1986; ;Honorary Appointment to the Research Board of Advisors, The American Biographic Institute (2003) ;He has been honored to be selected as the Convener of Panel (PE-32) entitled the hunger, poverty and silence, of World Congress, IUAES, University of Manchester, UK, 2013 ;He has been honored to be selected as the Convener of Panel (P-102) entitled ,’ Uncertainties, Unpredictability and Marginalization: The impact and mitigation for survival of agriculture and humanity, of the 19th World Congress, IUAES-WAU, 14-20 October, 2023, New Delhi, India, 2023 ;Honored to be nominated as Expert Member, Working group on Agricultural Extension, West Bengal State Agriculture Commission (2007) ;Honoured to be nominated by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BCKV to Act as an Expert Member, DPEP, A DFID, UK, project for planning and revamping primary education through POA of GOVT of India.(1995) Expert Member, Buxa Tiger Reserve Project funded by WWF(World Wide Wild Life Funding), 1998 ; Dr Daulat Singh Memorial Award, Society of Extension Education, Distinguished Professor and Academician Award, Research Education Solution (RES), M S Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Centurion University(2022); Eminent Scientist Award, EIABT, Citwan Nepal. Achievers of German patent (Utility model no.20202310273) :Novel LOT based inventory management system with radio controlled pallet racking for storage solution. He is the Fellow, West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology (WAST), 2024. He is also the fellow of ISEE, New Delhi, Fellow, BIOVED, Allahabad, Fellow, Mobilization, New Delhi on academic missions, he visited Italy, France, Germany, China, SriLanka, Vietnam, Bangladesh, He has a rich profile of editorial and reviewers’ contributions a different national and international Journals.
Professor (Dr) Manas Mohan Adhikary, a retired Professor of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal was attached with the profession of teaching, research and extension for about (45) forty five years. His immense potentiality of academic activities and capability to work with the people, sense of research and extension works helped him to serve as Vice-Chancellor, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Registrar, as well as Head of the Department of Agricultural Extension, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal and also Director, Directorate of Extension Education in the same University. Besides that he served as Director, Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal (2019-2021). He also serves as an Adjunct Faculty in Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur. He has become Course Director for the (8) eight consecutive Winter/Summer School of ICAR sponsored which itself a brilliant achievement in the National Level for any University Professor at his level and class. His hard work and the devotion in the aegis of extension affiliated him as Master Trainers of Experiential learning Cycle in ICAR-USAID programme in 1991. He also contributed at the National Level by becoming Chairman, Site Selection Committee for establishing the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and ushered a new pace in the KVK movement across India. He is also a Member of Farmers First Zone-VI VII and QRT, Zone-II, ICAR. He is the expert of different specialized fields like Group dynamics and leadership, Training of Trainers, Project Evaluation, Participatory Project Management, Value added Agriculture, Media Management etc. He has conducted (21) twenty one research and extension projects as Principal Investigator. He has already chaired a series of International Conference in India and Abroad and has already been honoured to Chaired the session on Dynamics of Livelihood changes across the World in IAEUS Congress, Manchester, UK in 2013. To his credit there are 140 numbers of scientific research papers published in National International Journals, a good score of chapters and 32 numbers of books in related areas supervised 11 numbers Ph.D. thesis and 58 numbers M.Sc. (Ag) dissertation. He is widely travelled all through his carrier covering China, Japan, USA, Australia, Turkey, Bangladesh and Thailand etc. The awards given to him are five (5) Fellows, four (4) Life Time Achievement Awards.